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SA "GXT Edit"
[ Скачать с сервера (830.8 Kb) ] 22 Августа 2009, 07.51.09

GTA: San Andreas GXT Editor
This editor allows you to modify GTA: SA localization files
so you can put your own text in the game.

16.06.2005 - Version 1.2 released. Multilingual support added, read-only auto clearance, faster UI update.
18.11.2004 - Version 1.1 is out. This one optionally saves key names in ini-files.
01.11.2004 - Version 1.0 of the editor is out privately.
28.10.2004 - Private GXT file viewer released.

I want to thank all the good people at gtaforums, which directly or indirectly
affected the creation of this editor. I fear to leave somebody out but I'll try to list
everyone anyway:
CyQ, Steve-M, Demarest, Opius, Delfi, Spooky, dans, Craig Kostelecky, PatrickW,
ashdexx, Smithers2, Barton W., REspawn, CtlAltDel, TwoZero, eAi, ModelingMan.
Keep those modding tools coming. It's your work that sparks my interest.

Категория: Программы для gta san andreas | Добавил: Starnet
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